Gifts of Stock
There are many ways to support the Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin, including a gift of stock as a way to support our work protecting Wisconsin’s lands, waters and wildlife into the future. Benefits of gifting appreciated securities include an immediate charitable deduction for the full market value of the stock, and avoidance of capital gain taxes that would normally be due upon sale. For additional information, review our gift acceptance policy here.
What You’ll Need
Donors who would like to donate a gift of stock should provide the following information to your broker or financial adviser.
DTC Participant Number: 2663
Agent Internal Account #: 20075-D
Interested Party AC # 1: NRF of WI 882292401
If you are transferring a mutual fund to the Natural Resources Foundation, please contact us at (866) 734-1485 or so we can secure the appropriate account number specific to your mutual fund from TIAA.
For Questions, Contact:
Tim Ringkamp
Institutional Trust Administrator
TIAA Financial Services
211 North Broadway, Ste. 1000
St. Louis, MO 63102-2733
Tel: 314-244-5125
Fax: 314-244-5199
Please Let Us Know
Please inform the Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin of stock transfers so that we can properly acknowledge your gift and forward information regarding your tax deduction.

Marta Weldon, CFRE
Director of Philanthropy
(608) 409-3112
Marta Weldon (she/her) connects people with meaningful opportunities to help conserve, protect, and share the beauty of Wisconsin's natural resources.