The Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin - Logo Circle

About Us

Our mission is to protect our state’s lands, waters, and wildlife by providing funding, leading partnerships, and connecting all people to nature.


NRF is a 501(c)3 nonprofit that was formed in 1986 as declining budgets severely compromised critical programs of Wisconsin’s Department of Natural Resources. With the support of our donors and members, the Foundation has boosted private sector investment and involvement for Wisconsin’s lands, waters and wildlife. Here you can learn more about our history and mission, meet our staff and board, and stay connected through news, reports, and our member magazine.

Banner photo by DZ Johnson

Button Photos by Carolyn Morgen, Madison Audubon Society, Hillary Thompson, Shelly Torkelson, and Marci Lanois

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There must be some force behind conservation, more universal than profit, less awkward than government, less ephemeral than sport, something that reaches into all times and places where men live on land, something that brackets everything from rivers to raindrops, from whales to hummingbirds, from land-estates to window boxes.

Aldo Leopold