Lead a Field Trip!
Thanks for your interest in being a NRF Field Trip leader!
Read below for information on leading a Field Trip for NRF, then submit your trip details using these button-links:
Questions or more info, email us at: FieldTrips@WisConservation.org
Be a Field Trip leader!
Do you have a passion for Wisconsin’s natural world and want to share it with engaged people in a profound and meaningful way? We’d love for you to consider leading a Field Trip!
Since 1994, the Natural Resources Foundation has offered a vibrant, statewide Field Trip Program that engages thousands of adults and youth annually to learn about Wisconsin’s lands, waters, and wildlife. Leading an NRF Field Trip is a great way to share your knowledge of Wisconsin’s incredible biodiversity with others.
We are open to most Field Trip ideas, so feel free to be creative! Trips can be geared toward adults only or families with children. From simple hikes to biking trips, paddling adventures or wildlife research, we are open to a wide range of possibilities.
Not sure what kind of a trip you want to lead?
Get ideas and inspiration by looking through our 2024 Field Trip Guidebook!
Program Summary and Leader Expectations
Trips occur from May to October, are generally 2 or more hours in length, and can be varied in the experiences they offer to participants. If you are doing something special to protect or conserve an animal or ecosystem, we would love if you would share your passion!
In general, our participants are adults ages 45-70; respectful, interested, outdoorsy and educated folks. We are very open to offering trips designed for kids (accompanied by a responsible adult) and families– please indicate this on the online form. We appreciate if group sizes accommodate 20+ people, though we will accept smaller size limits as space and activity dictates.
Please know that we charge participants a $18 per person ($8 for kids) registration fee to attend any trip, this pays for the overhead of running the program. Any fees that you ask for will be paid by participants above and beyond this amount. Also, anyone who registers must be, or become, a NRF member to join us on our Field Trips.
Partners who hold an endowment fund with NRF may add on trip fees that benefit their fund. The amount will be determined with help from NRF’s Field Trip Director and be in line with the trip experience.
Partnering nonprofits who do not hold an endowment with NRF may add a modest ($5-10/person) trip fee to benefit their organization.
Leader Expectations
If canoe/kayak rentals are needed for your trip, you as the leader are responsible for coordinating these rentals. We collect the money from participants during registration to cover the costs of these rentals (see the question on the form), and then pay any invoices that you incur (just make sure the invoices are sent to us).
Cancellation Policy
OUR TRIPS RUN RAIN OR SHINE. However, there may be situations where leaders need to delay, end a trip early, or cancel the day of the trip due to severe weather. We do not recommend canceling prior to the day of the trip as weather forecasts frequently change.
Alert Property Owners/Managers of your Field Trip
Property managers from the following organizations appreciate knowing when a Field Trip is occurring on their sites: The Prairie Enthusiasts, The Nature Conservancy, State Natural Areas property managers, WI State Parks managers. Also, participants will pay the State Park entrance fees themselves as they enter the park.
Timing of the Program
- Fill out the online survey with your Field Trip details, and someone from NRF will email you to review the details.
- Trips will be included in our guidebook that is sent out to NRF members in February. Some trips may also be included in the April edition of Wisconsin Natural Resources magazine.
- Trip registration opens in early April. Most trips fill within the first few weeks of registration. Yes, even for those trips that happen in the fall!
- NRF will email trip participants the details of your trip about 2 weeks prior to your trip date.
- A few days before the trip, NRF will send you a roster that participants will need to sign for their liability waiver. We do not provide rosters earlier because we often have last minute cancellations and then contact the waitlist.
- Once your trip is complete, please scan and email the signed roster to NRF so we have a record of who attended.
In gratitude for you being a trip leader, we provide a snazzy t-shirt with a fresh design each year. We request that you wear the shirt when you are leading your Field Trip.
Questions Asked about your Trip
2. *Title of field trip
3. *Date of trip, start and end times
4. *Max number of participants you would like on the trip (We appreciate accommodating groups of 20+ unless space/activity dictates a smaller group)
5. *Paragraph describing the field trip
6. *Rate how physically strenuous the trip is on a scale of 1-5.
7. Estimate the total length of walking/hiking or paddling on your trip
8. If the trip is strenuous, what should be called to the attention for participants.
9. Paddle trips: is this a loop or one-way with shuttle? Is there a portage?
10. Brief comments on the on the trail conditions such as steepness, trail width, and surface.
11. Could your trip accommodate people using standard wheelchairs or walkers?
12. Is there an all-terrain outdoor wheelchair on-site for a field trip participant to use?
13. *Costs (if any) you may need to cover for the field trip
14. Is your trip “family” friendly and designed specifically for participants 10 and under?
15. *Nearest town to meeting place
16. *County trip takes place in
17. Trip meeting address
18. Specific meeting location at the site and driving directions (optional)
19. Cell phone you can be reached the day of the trip
20. Web-link to a google map of the meeting location (if you have or can make one)
21. *What should participants bring/wear on the trip
22. *Are there bathroom facilities on the trip
23. Any additional websites that may be useful to participant

Christine Tanzer
Field Trip Program Director
(608) 409-3123
Christine Tanzer (she/her) has been at the helm of NRF's Field Trip program since 1997. She has coordinated over 3,000 trips, helping tens of thousands of people explore Wisconsin's most special places.

Kim Kreitinger
Field Trip Coordinator
(608) 409-3110
Kim Kreitinger (she/her) supports the Foundation's Field Trip program, plans our domestic and international travel, and helps connect members with the Foundation.