Your time is so valuable to us!
We are so grateful to those who contribute their time and talent to the Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin in support of conservation projects around the state.
Volunteer in our office
When you volunteer with the Natural Resources Foundation, we’ll happily put you to work helping out with projects in the office. We most often need help with large mailings, data entry, and other computer or office-centered projects. While it’s not the most glamorous, this work is vital to our mission. Call the office at (608) 406-3122 or email us at Info@WisConservation.org to learn more.

State Natural Area Volunteers
Our partners at the Department of Natural Resources’ always need help with conservation projects at Wisconsin’s many State Natural Areas. Volunteers will get a good workout and enjoy time outside cutting brush, pulling and spraying invasive plants, collecting seeds, and preparing fire breaks. Volunteer days are scheduled throughout the year. Visit the DNR State Natural Areas Volunteer Program for a schedule and to learn more.

State Parks Volunteers
Volunteering with the Wisconsin State Parks System is a great way to get outside and give back to nature. From volunteering to be a campground host to helping with restoration projects, there’s a way to volunteer no matter your time availability or ability level. Learn more about volunteering with a state park near you.

Citizen-based Monitoring
You’ve maybe heard the term “citizen science” before, but did you know that it essentially got its start in Wisconsin as the Wisconsin Citizen-based Monitoring Network? Citizen-based monitors help collect data about plant and animal species, which scientists and land managers then use to better care for them. From the annual Frog and Toad Survey and the Turtle Conservation Program to Volunteer Carnivore Tracking and the Bat Monitoring Program, there are so many ways to get involved in Citizen-based Monitoring in Wisconsin.

Wisconsin Master Naturalist Program
As a founding partner of the Wisconsin Master Naturalist Program, we are proud to encourage our members and supporters to become a Master Naturalist! You will engage in 40 hours of coursework in natural history, interpretation, and conservation stewardship. Once trained, Master Naturalists support citizen science, stewardship, and education efforts by volunteering in their communities. Learn more and sign up at WIMasterNaturalist.org.

Snapshot Wisconsin
Learn more about your local wildlife while collecting important data for the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. Snapshot Wisconsin is a citizen science project engaging hundreds of volunteers, classrooms and nature centers to create a statewide network of trail cameras for monitoring wildlife year-round.
Volunteer for Snapshot Wisconsin
No previous experience is necessary, and all training and equipment are provided free to accepted volunteers. Requirements include access to at least 10 acres of public or private land, ability to check the camera at least once every three months for a full year, and basic computer skills. Unable to host a camera? You can also view images collected from trail cameras across the state at www.SnapshotWisconsin.org.
Volunteer to Host a Trail Cam on an NRF funded site
We’ve partnered with Snapshot Wisconsin to extend a special volunteer opportunity exclusive to our members! Through Snapshot Wisconsin, you can get an up close look at properties that NRF members help to support. Sign up today to monitor a trail camera on a State Natural Area of your choice. One volunteer will be chosen to participate per property.

Banner photo by Makenzie Mullane
Box photos courtesy of the Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin (NRF), courtesy of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Foundation (WDNR), courtesy of NRF, Colleen Robinson, and courtesy of the WDNR