At the Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin we are honored to share some important news about the future of environmental education in Wisconsin. Our partners at the Wisconsin Environmental Education Foundation have done so much to further environmental education for over a decade. We are excited and honored to be handed the baton and to bring our collective passion and resources together in this important effort. Please read on for an important message from Janet Brandt, co-founder and vice-president of WEEF.

Supporters of environmental education: wisconsin environmental education foundation

I’m excited to tell you about the launch of a next generation effort to support environmental education in Wisconsin. WEEF is integrating its efforts into several other nonprofit organizations with complementary missions. I’m confident this change will ultimately strengthen short-term efforts while enhancing and streamlining our ability to develop a long-term financial legacy for environmental education.

In 2005, we created the Wisconsin Environmental Education Foundation (WEEF) to generate more support and funding for environmental education in our state. Over the last dozen years, I’ve felt privileged to work with you and others to raise awareness and funding for important environmental education initiatives in Wisconsin. Like all small nonprofits, we’ve had challenges but also some significant accomplishments.

The Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin (NRF) will now lead fundraising and grant-making efforts for environmental education. Like WEEF, NRF values environmental education and has a long history of helping adults and children connect with Wisconsin’s wonderful natural resources. NRF has a strong infrastructure and passionate staff to assume WEEF’s past fund development and to continue efforts on a larger scale.

The Wisconsin Environmental Education Association will lead future state employee workplace giving efforts under the Environmental Education umbrella.

Wisconsin Green Schools Network will assume management of the EEinWisconsin website.

After a transition period extending into 2018, WEEF will dissolve, and we will extend our individual efforts and support to the named organizations. We believe funding for environmental education will be made stronger by these new partnerships.

Below are more specifics about the transitions. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me or any of the board members listed below. You’re invited to forward this to others in your network.

I hope you’ll join me in celebrating this transition and in continuing to support environmental education across Wisconsin.

With gratitude,
Janet Brandt

On behalf of WEEF Board of Directors:

Kathy Kuntz, President
Janet Brandt, Vice-President
Randy Champeau, Secretary
Carol Fisher, Treasurer
Matt Bednarski
Kathryn Grafsgaard
Angela James
Jim Jensen
Jenny Seydel


What does this transition mean for you?

For WEEF donors who want to continue supporting environmental education:

WEEF has transferred some of our remaining assets to the Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin and set up a permanent endowment to fund environmental education in Wisconsin. It’s called the Wisconsin Environmental Education Fund, and you can contribute to it by donating to the Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin and designating your gift to the fund.

For those who have made a bequest to WEEF in your will or listed WEEF as the beneficiary of your financial assets:

You can change your bequest or beneficiary to the Wisconsin Environmental Education Fund held by the Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin, federal tax ID #39-1572034. The Natural Resources Foundation is a nonprofit 501c3, organized and existing under the laws of Wisconsin and with a principal mailing address of PO Box 2317, Madison, WI 53701.

For WEEF grant recipients:

Please direct future grant applications to the Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin. In addition to the endowment fund created by WEEF, the Foundation has several other grant programs that fund environmental education projects.

For GO Fund grant recipients:

WEEF will continue to process final reports and make reimbursements to all past GO Fund recipients. Instructions and forms are available HERE.

The Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin plans to continue the GO Fund and will award an additional $10,000 during the 2017-2018 school year to support outdoor environmental education field experiences.

For participants of the State Employees Combined Campaign (SECC):

WEEF will transition leadership of the SECC Environmental Education Umbrella to the Wisconsin Environmental Education Association (WAEE). State employees will be able to continue to designate funds for your organization during the fall 2017 SECC campaign under the WEEF umbrella as they have in the past. WAEE will organize the group and lead the umbrella for the fall 2018 campaign and going forward. For more information contact Carol Fisher at

For those who use the EEinWisconsin website:

WEEF has transitioned leadership of the EEinWisconsin website to the Wisconsin Green Schools Network. There will be no change in operations. You can continue to use EEinWisconsin to find and share resources.

Special thanks to the SeaChange-Lodestar Fund for Nonprofit Collaboration whose support helps make this transition possible.