First Cherish Wisconsin Outdoors Fund grant impacts three State Natural Areas

First Cherish Wisconsin Outdoors Fund grant impacts three State Natural Areas

In the historic first disbursement from the Cherish Wisconsin Outdoors Fund, $50,000 will be invested in Walworth and Dunn counties. This announcement comes just ahead of Public Lands Day on Saturday, Sept. 30, and funding will be split between these two high-use properties that are home to a wide variety of game, non-game, and Species of Greatest Conservation Need (endangered, threatened, or in decline).

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Grant Project Blends Art and Conservation

Grant Project Blends Art and Conservation

Katie Martin-Meurer and her 3-D Concepts classes at UW-Milwaukee displayed their beautiful work at Lakeshore State Park in Milwaukee in spring 2017. This unique blend of art and conservation was the culmination of two semesters of students who chose to commit their projects to promoting a better understanding of insects in our world. Insect populations […]

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