Protecting Snakes in Wisconsin

Protecting Snakes in Wisconsin

Rattlesnakes, like Wisconsin’s native eastern massasauga (Endangered in Wisconsin and recently added as a federally Threatened species) and timber rattlesnakes, usually get a bad rap in society, and are often portrayed as creepy, deadly pests. But these animals play a critical role in maintaining Wisconsin’s diverse ecosystems. The Human-Snake Dilemma In Wisconsin’s early history, expansion […]

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Of birds and snakes on the Osa Peninsula

Of birds and snakes on the Osa Peninsula

By Connie and Peter Roop, Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin members While hiking the Osa peninsula of Costa Rica with the Natural Resources Foundation, the deadly fer de lance, one of the most venomous snakes on Earth, slithered right between us. We looked at each other and agreed—it was time to make our will. We […]

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