Day XVI: Striving for clean air, clean water and a connection to nature
Listen to Ruth tell the story of Day XVI: Day XVI transcribed: This is the October 12 blog. I want to start with a list of towns that I’ve been in so people have an idea about the route of the Wisconsin River. The closest town at the start is Land O’Lakes, although the river […]
Read MoreDay XV: Going with the FLOW, and cranes galore
Listen to Ruth tell the story of Day XV: Day XV transcribed: This is the blog post for Sunday, Oct. 11, day 15. This morning started with a welcome by Timm Zumm of the Friends of the Lower Wisconsin, FLOW. Their motto is “go with the flow.” Timm came to the boat landing in Prairie […]
Read MoreDay XIV: Westerly winds
Listen to Ruth tell the story of Day XIV: Today I’m totally defeated by the wind and waves on Lake Wisconsin. I started out at 9 a.m. this morning after Pete Ostlind helped me go over the boat. We did a little extra patching, he replaced a rivet on the washboards (sort of like the […]
Read MoreDay XIII: The beauty of birds
Listen to Ruth tell the story of Day XIII: Day XIII transcribed: We woke up on the site of the Aldo Leopold Shack and it was a morning of learning and discovery for me. Mike Mossman and Yoyi Steele, who work on the Leopold Pines Important Bird Area, were there, along with Dan and Carl from […]
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